Thursday, 10 November 2011

Terminal cancer healed completely in just 4 days!

Check this amazing video out!: Anita Moorjani you tube NDE

Anita Moorjani was dying, she was given 36 hours to live and her family were all told to say goodbye to her. She had a near-death experience where she saw that her cancer was caused by fear - she woke out of her coma knowing she would be ok and there was no trace of her cancer 4 days later! - so inspiring!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Thyroid Healed despite Doctor's pessimism

Oh Technology - I do struggle with it! Anyway this is the continuation of what I was saying about my thyroid - I hope it makes sense!
Basically, I did Matrix Reimprinting, Herbs, PSYCH-K, 5 Tibettans, Homeopathy and throat massage! - Anyway the GOOD NEW IS that this week, the blood test show my thyroid was working properly again. I knew that it was infact because my energy is back and I feel great!

What you need to know is that Big Pharma has massive investment in our belief that conditions cannot be healed. There is nothing more appealing to a drug company infact than a person being put on a drug and kept on it for the rest of their life. The fact is that BODIES HEAL!!!!!! - yes they do, as I have proved yet again!
Hooray for my intelligent and resilient body - THANK YOU!! Keep going for it people - it pays off xx

Healed Thyroid! - Despite Doctors Pessimism!!

I spoke to a woman this week who was told very clearly by her consultant that she would not heal from cancer.
Since recovering from cancer myself( having been told that palliative care was all that was available to me about 6 months prior to my complete recovery by the way!), I have spoken to countless people who have been told the very same thing.

Knowing what I know about the power of the mind when it comes to healing, it makes me sad and frustrated that doctors so casually tell people that the are going to die. After all doctors are still very much looked up to in our culture, this gives them a power to affect our health and what do they do with that power?

I can say for sure that if I were not such a stubborn and rebellious person, I would not be alive today! In other words if someone tells me to do something that I do not want to do, I simply won't do it (and that includes dying especially!).

Some people who are close to me know that I have been working hard (focussing strongly rather than working hard actually) on healing a thyroid condition since January.

When tests came back confirming what I had suspected to be true for quite some time; that my thyroid was indeed not working properly, meaning that I was constantly tired and my mood was low, my GP prescribed Thyroxine. He looked me in the eye and told me with certainty that now I was more than 40 years old, that my thyroid would not recover and that my only option was to start taking the drugs (and keep tracking them for life of course).

This is the same doctor who watched me heal 'terminal cancer' without conventional treatment!

Anyway, of course I got to work on healing myself, employing a range of tools including Matrix Reimprinting